brown-butter honey pie!

This pie is one that I’ve come back to again and again; I love it for its intense flavor and simple aesthetics. It’s unapologetically sweet yet balanced—the browned butter and a bit of sea salt round out the honey flavor, and the custard pairs so nicely with a flakey crust.

In Maine, I really enjoyed using the QI Chai honey from Zen Bear Honey Teas with this recipe, and have sadly just run out of my last jar…that is to say, I’d absolutely recommend experimenting with different honeys that you come across! And, if honey is a bit too much for your taste, you can swap out up to 1/2 the amount called for with Lyle’s Golden syrup…this is in fact my preference!

Last note; this pie is really lovely on its own with a dollop of whipped cream or mascarpone, but adding a fruit compote alongside would be nice as well!


Brown Butter Honey Pie


yields enough for 2 9” pies -or- 1 generously filled 9” pie + 1 6 oz pudding ramekin

  • Pie crust(s), blind-baked & cooled

  • 3/4 c (170 g) unsalted butter

  • 3/4 c (255 g) honey (or…swap in up to 1/2 c Lyle’s Golden Syrup)

  • 1 vanilla bean’s seeds

  • 1 c (200 g) sugar

  • 2 T (15 g) AP flour

  • 1 t salt

  • 5 eggs

  • 1 c (240 g) heavy cream

  • Flaky sea salt for topping


  1. Once your pie shell(s) are blind-baked and cooled, make the filling:

  2. Start with browning the butter—melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat and allow to simmer and foam. As the foam subsides, watch for it to turn golden and then brown, about 8-10 minutes. Once it turns brown, it’s moments away from burning–so, quickly take off the heat, add the honey and vanilla seeds, and stir until it’s dissolved. Let cool about 10 minutes.

  3. Meanwhile, whisk together the sugar, flour, and salt in a medium/large bowl. Add the brown butter mixture and whisk until thoroughly combined. Add the eggs, one at a time, whisking well after each addition. Whisk in the heavy cream and pour into the prepared pie crusts (or crust + ramekin).  Bake for 60-75 minutes, rotating the pie halfway through baking. It’ll be done when it turns deep golden brown on the top; it’ll puff up and set around the edges but will still wobble in the center. Top with flakey sea salt and let cool to room temperature before cutting into it; serve with dollop of whipped cream or mascarpone, fresh fruit or compote, etc…! Store any leftovers in refrigerator!
